Geneva, November 1st, 2021 – MAG Agency and Charles Hergott are pleased to announce that they are going to team up and launch bespoke communication and marketing services for the aerospace industry with a focus on sustainable business aviation. This team of experienced professionals will bring many years of combined skills in both in the storytelling and the civilian aeronautical field.
The MAG Agency was incorporated in 2019 by Magdalena Mactas, an experienced communication strategist and audiovisual creator. MAG specializes in developing communications strategies and tools for institutions and brands, with a focus on audiovisual and multimedia development. MAG Agency started working with Charles Hergott in 2021 on the notorious Climate Jet Club Initiative, which proposes an innovative Carbon Jet Card system for private aviation frequent flyers. From this first project stemmed the desire to push the relationship further and develop a full gamut of services tailored to aerospace companies, such as corporate communication and brand identity. The uniqueness lies within the clear focus on business development which is the core of Charles Hergott’s business who is also the representative of MD Helicopters and who caters to governmental agencies via his Irish company The UAV Leasing Company.
“Communication is key to every business and there are many communication and PR agencies out there; our differentiator is our team, a team where communication and business development go hand in hand”, say Magdalena Mactas.
MAG is also interested in developing this new concept in other sectors such as Media and Entertainments and Cultural Industries, as well as technology focused startups, among others.
About MAG
MAG Agency, based in Geneva, Switzerland, develops communication, audiovisual, digital strategies and tools plus research for the private and the public sectors.
Contact information: MAG Agency
Magdalena Mactas, PR and Multimedia Communications
MAG Agency, Geneva, Switzerland,, Tel. +41 77 431 11 46 (
